Beverly Shores Wiki
Beverly Shores Wiki

Blended beats is a Disney singing TV show that ran from 2007 to 2013. It stars Savannah Healey (aka Blair London), Isabella Lopez, Faust Campion and Blake Rue Palamo.


The story follows the step-sisters Emily and Sofia who have something in common. That is the talent and love for music. The story is set off when Emily and Alex's father James Bennett fell in love with a woman called Maria Diaz and married her. The Bennett siblings moved from Maine to LA where Maria lived with her daughter Sofia. At first Sofia was wary of her new siblings and she avoided Emily and found her annoying. It wasn't until the end of the first episode, when Sofia acidentally heard Emily sing and liked it, and they bonded over their talented voices. For the remainder of the season Emily and Sofia try to make it as a singing duo in LA, but sadly, that was a challange considering their neighbour, Charlie Thompson, who tried helping them at every turn, was more a hindrence than any help to them. In fact, he is the clown of the series who is the sole reason why they didn't make it until the last season. Their stage names were EBD and SBD and their duo was called "Blended"



  • This TV show started as a university project of Faust Campion, but was surprisingly renewed for another season by Disney
  • This is the first appearance of Savannah Healey on TV
  • Once this show became famous, it was used as a stepping stone for many musicians that are famous now